Brunswick County ROD

Fraud Alert

By signing up using your email address, you can be alerted daily if any documents are recorded using the name or names you specify.

Fraud Alert: Be notified when your name is recorded

Click the banner above to get started!

Please note:

  • The emails are sent out in the early morning.
  • If there are results for any of your names, you will receive one email with all names that matched and the documents they were associated with.
  • If no results are found for any of your names, you will not receive an email that day.
  • Some names (e.g. large banks or lenders, or common surnames) may create large emails.
  • The names are case-insensitive.
  • Human names should be entered in the order: Lastname Firstname Othername(s), without commas
  • To help ensure that you receive the most alerts, you may wish to enter only your first and last name. If you receive too many emails that are not associated with you, adding a middle initial can help.
    • Entering the name "Public John" will get alerts for John Public, John Q Public, John Quincey Public, etc.
    • Entering the name "Public John Q" will get alerts for John Q Public and John Quincey Public, but not John Public
    • Entering the name "Public John Quincey" will get alerts for John Quincey Public, but not John Public or John Q Public
    You are always able to update the names you have listed, so that you may narrow or widen the number of alerts you will receive

Fraud Alert is for informational purposes only.