Brunswick County ROD

Appointments are required for PASSPORTS and MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Please call (910) 253-2690 or click the email link in the menu on the left.


Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm

Obtain Copy of License

If you previously purchased your marriage license from the Brunswick County Register of Deeds office and would like to purchase a copy, click here. If you are getting married and need to obtain a new marriage license, please read the section below.

Obtain New Marriage License

To legally marry in North Carolina, the couple must purchase a marriage license before the ceremony. The license is valid only in North Carolina and can be purchased from any N.C. Register of Deeds' office. Once issued, the license is valid immediately and is good for 60 days after issuance. There is no waiting period.


  1. Complete the marriage application form, either online or in our office.
  2. Both applicants must appear in our office between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday, except holidays.
  3. Present a valid government issued photo identification, such as a driver's license, passport, or military ID.
  4. If either applicant is less than 18 years of age, contact our vital records office at (910) 253-2690 for additional requirements.
  5. If a divorce was finalized within the last sixty days of the application, the original or a certified copy of the decree is required.
  6. Applicants must provide Social Security number. If a SS number has never been issued, an affidavit will be provided for applicant to sign.
  7. Pay a fee of $60.00 by cash, certified check, or money order. No personal checks accepted. Sorry, but we do not offer credit or debit card service.

Additional Information

  1. A certified copy is required to change last name on driver's license and Social Security card. The fee for a certified copy is $10.00.
  2. Both copies of the license must be completed by the officiant and two witnesses, and returned to our office within 10 days of the ceremony.
  3. A marriage can be performed by an ordained minister of any religioius denomination, a minister authorized by a church, or a magistrate; or federally or State recognized Indian Nation or tribe. The NC marriage statute can be reviewed here.
  4. For a civil ceremony, please contact the Brunswick County Magistrate's office (910) 253-3919.