Brunswick County ROD

Birth, Death, and Marriage Records

We have records available for persons who were born in, died in, or obtained a marriage license in Brunswick County. Birth records were officially kept starting in 1913; however, we also have a limited number of delayed births from 1876 through 1913. Death records were first registered in October, 1913 and our first marriage license was issued on November 23, 1867.

Adoption records are not available from our office. Please contact N.C. Vital Records in Raleigh at 919-792-5987 or 919-733-3526 for assistance with adoption records or birth certificates for adopted individuals.

Divorces are filed in the Clerk of Court's Office. Their main phone number is (910) 253-3900.

Request Copy Online

Certified and uncertified copies of vital records (births, deaths, marriages) can be purchased online. A $1 mailing fee and $2 convenience fee (collected by the vendor) is also charged for each copy. All requests received by 4:00pm on normal business days (Monday - Friday) will be processed the same day. Any requests received after 4:00pm will be processed the next business day. Please go to the request page to start.

Purchase Copy In Person

Certified copies of birth, death, and marriage records are available to the registrant, the immediate family, or an authorized agent. A government issued picture ID is required. The cost is $10.00 for each record, payable by cash, money order, or certified check (no personal checks). Unfortunately, no credit or debit cards accepted at this time. Our office is located in the Brunswick County Complex, Building I, 75 Courthouse Drive, Bolivia, 28422.

Non-certified copies are also available. The price is 25¢ per page.

Purchase Copy By Mail

Certified copies of birth, death, and marriage records are available to the registrant, the immediate family, or an authorized agent, persuant to NCGS 130A-93 and NCGS 130A-99. . A copy of a government issued picture ID is required. Each record costs $10.00 and is payable to BCROD by cash, money order, or certified check (no personal checks). Complete and sign the Application For Certified Copy form and mail to BCROD, P.O. Box 87, Bolivia, NC 28422. Include copy of drivers license or other government issued ID.

Non-certified copies are also available. The price is 25¢ per page, and either a self-addressed stamped envelope or a $1.00 mailing fee. Complete and sign the Application For Uncertified Copy form and mail to BCROD, P.O. Box 87, Bolivia, NC 28422.

We make every effort to return mail requests the same day as we receive them.

Out Of County Birth Certificates

For persons born in another North Carolina county from 1971 forward, we now offer certified copies by way of the North Carolina Vital Records Automated System (VRAS). The fees are a non-refundable search fee of $14 and a copy fee of $10, a total of $24 per certificate. Only the person on the certificate or immediate family can obtain a copy, and identification is required. Call (910) 253-2690 or toll-free (877) 625-9310 for details.

Amend a Vital Record

To amend a vital record, contact our Vital Records office at 910-253-2430 or 877-625-9310 (toll free) for instructions.

Online Records

Our birth, death, and marriage indexes (but no images) are viewable online. Only the indexes are viewable. No images of vital records are online.

Online Service

Certified copies are also available from N.C. Vital Records through an independent third-party company called VitalChek. VitalChek is not affiliated with Brunswick County or the State of North Carolina. A service fee is charged.